Zoltán Kovács is a Transylvanian-born economist. In his early career, he worked as a corporate finance consultant and later as a senior executive in both medium and large-sized companies in Hungary and Central Europe. He is currently Head of the Center for Business Studies at Mathias Corvinus Collegium and since March 2023, he is a member of the Monetary Council of the Central Bank of Hungary.
He has held ownership interests and management positions in several investment and financial services companies, such as Concorde Értékpapír Zrt., CA-IB Tőkepiaci Tanácsadó Zrt., and FHB Jelzálogbank Nyrt., and has been a member of the Board of Directors of several large companies including Díjbeszedő Holding Zrt., Magyar Posta Zrt., and MVM Zrt. In addition, he has served as Chairman of the Board of Directors at Libri-Bookline Kereskedelmi Zrt. and Chairman of the Supervisory Board at Nemzeti Taletségközpont Kft.
As Head of MCC’s Center for Business Studies, he is engaged in educational activities and conducts research on investment, corporate finance, and economic cooperation in the Carpathian Basin.
His other positions include being the chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Széll Kálmán Foundation, member of the Economic Council of the Pannonhalma Abbey, and member of the Supervisory Board of the Sapientia Foundation of the Hungarian University of Transylvania.